What is ebru art?
Ebru art is one of the oldest traditional Turkish arts but the ultimate origin of the technique is enigmatic. Its mysterious journey in history is due to the fact that the technique had been kept secret as it was once used as a security device for paper currency and important government documents.
Ebru can be described as painting on water. Patterns are made by dispersing rich earth pigments with horse-hair and rosewood brushes upon the surface of a thickened liquid. The feast for the eye starts when the droplets expand in mesmerizing circular shapes.
The first layer of spots contracts into veins with successive color applications and a beautiful marble look appears; that is where the word "water marbling" comes from. The colors can be gently stirred with a stylus to form soft swirls or intricately manipulated with special combs to eventually form a monotype print.
The finished design can be transferred to paper, fabric, leather, or ceramic. The result of this process is unique; no two patterns are ever exactly alike.
Ebru is a spiritual alchemist that turns your heart into pure gold! Its meditative properties have been a heaven on earth for many who seek internal peace, meaning and beauty in nature. Due to the unforeseeable complex chemistry involved in this technique, the marbler works intuitively, exercising non-attachment and embracing the mystery. Through patience, silence, waiting, unknowing and letting go of control, the marbler is able to soar to new heights in creative expression.